Sunday, November 3, 2013

An Avocado A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away

15 Health Benefits of Avocados 

1. Anti-inflammatory

2. Protection against free radicals (particularly liver toxins)

3. Contains compounds that destroy oral cancer cells

4. improvement of lipid profiles, which control cholesterol 

5. Contains vitamins A, E, K, Potassium, and B6

6. Contains Fiber

7. Blood sugar control

8. Improvement of eye Health

9. Reduces the signs of aging from antioxidants

10. Their oleic acid and omega-3's improve heart health

11. Avocados contain all 18 essential amino acids to form a complete protein

12. Their glutathione boosts the immune system

13. Boosts the absorption of nutrients (eaten at the same time) by 5x

14. Oleic acid can prevent prostate and breast cancer

15. Lowers blood pressure due to potassium content (2x the content of a banana)

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